- No data overage fees if you do go over the data limit.
- Unlimited Canada Wide Calling. (US and Mexico Roaming and Long Distance Calling included when listed)
- Unlimited International Text, picture & video messaging,
- Call Display with Name Display,
- Enhanced Voicemail,
- Call Waiting, Group Calling and 2500 Call Forwarding minutes,
- $0 Smart Connection with any financed device
- Roam Like Home enabled.
- Extended Coverage
For more information on our Product financing options, please visit our Financing vs Save & Return resources.
What is the difference between shareable and non shareable data plans
Families with multiple lines on their account on non shareable plans are individually allocated a bucket of high speed data. While every Rogers Infinite plan offers unlimited data, upon using all of your personal plan’s data allotment, your data speeds will be reduced (up to 512kbps).
Shareable plans work in a similar manner with exception to being limited to your total family data allotment instead of your individual lines.
For example, Tom and Jerry both have 30GB Rogers Infinite plans. Tom tends to use 40GB a month, whereas Jerry only uses 5GB.
- If Tom and Jerry have Non Shared Rogers Infinite plans, then Tom's high speed data would be blazing for his first 30GB of usage and then reduced for his last 10GB at a speed of 512kbps. Jerry would use his full amount of 5GB at high speeds.
- If Tom and Jerry have the equivalent Shared Rogers Infinite plans, they would have a combined account usage of 60GB, meaning they would both enjoy high speeds for the entire month since their account usage total is 45GB and well within their bucket of 60GB.
What is shareable?
Aside from the obvious voice and data Sharable Rogers Infinite plans, Rogers offers a Data Connection SIM.
These connections provide great alternatives to sharing your data across other platforms that require access to the internet, but not for voice and text connectivity.
Here are some great examples of what Data Connection SIMS can be used for:
- iPads & tablets with cellular connectivity
- Watches and wearables with cellular connectivity
- Laptops with cellular connectivity
Unused phones
- for hotspotting
- for in car GPS and music
- for gaming
- as hand me downs
As we move to a world where connection is everywhere and data buckets are increasingly Infinite, data connection SIMs are becoming much more of a need than ever before.
The great news is, some of our Rogers Infinite plans include a free connection SIM with device financing. Speak to your Account Manager for more details.
What is not shareable
At this time, non shareable Rogers Infinite plans are treated as individual lines so their data does not contribute to the accounts pool.
Talk and Text plans are not eligible as well since they carry no data and are not enabled for data connectivity.
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